商铺介绍: 广东省汕头市澄海区金诺五金工具厂是一家集研发-设计-制造为一体的手动工具生产制造厂。 本厂视产品质量为厂之生命,产品的材料主要采用进口原材料,经淬火处理及扭规检测,批杠精准、耐用,可根据产品的特性及用户的需求精工制作。 本厂产品按不同需求分别达到和超过GB/ISO/ASME/DIN标准。 本厂主要为世界级、地区级著名品牌公司定牌定制产品。公司自有“小虹彩”商标产品,主要为国内市场的主打产品。 小虹彩工具厂竭诚欢迎国内外各界人士共谋发展。XIAOHONGCAI TOOLS FACTORY is a factory that specializes in designing and manufacturing of hight quality hand tools. as a trusted name in the tool industry,we not only concentrate to maintain our quality but also pay a very good attention to what our customers need. our screwdrivers are according to the GB/ISO/ASME/DIN standar. We are the right one that if you are looking for a good partner for OEM. 详细