Image intens. Tube
Gen(象管等级) II+
Photosensitivity ,μA/Lm(图形灵敏度) 450-1800
Gain(增益) 25000-45000
Resolution,lp/mm(分辨率) 45-75
Magnification,x(day rifle scope)(白天瞄准镜倍率) 7.0x
Magnification,x(night rifle scope)(夜间瞄准镜倍率) 3.7x
Magnification,x(night vision scope)(夜视观察倍率) 1.0x
Field of view,deg(day rifle scope)(白天瞄准镜视角度) 3.7°
Field of view,deg(night rifle scope)(夜间瞄准镜视角度) 7.4°
Diopter setting,D (屈光度) +2,-4
Eye relief distance,mm(良视距) 60
Free voltage,V (电压) 3
Power supply (电源类型) CR123A 1pc
Battery life h(电池寿命) min,40
Operating temperature(操作温度) -40 up to +50
Relative humidity,% (相对湿度) up to 98
Dimension,mm(尺寸) 384x80x82
Wight(w/o adapter),kg (重量) day 0.99/night 1.05
更新时间:2022-08-23 09:37