商品重量:0.24 kg/筒
江 山 多 娇
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发 扬 传 统,锐 意 创 新。
浙浙江江山多娇实业有限公司前身为江山市江山多娇体育用品有限公司,创办于1996年7月,注册资金1000万元。座落于江山市经济开发区城西区,紧邻221省道边,黄衢南高速,浙赣铁路,杭长高铁,交通十分便利。公司占地面积22亩,建筑面积25000平方米,现有职工人数一百余人,专业生产“江山多娇”“江山燕” “江山龙”“江山凤” “江山虎” “江山 鹰”“莱斯卡”“耐美耐”“超耐”等多个品牌,年产值数千万元,产品畅销国内外。
本公司从创业至今,经过多年艰苦创业,励精图治,在市场经济的浪潮中不断壮大。我们以齐全的种类、流行的包装款式 、优良的服务、优惠的价格,来服务国内外客户。公司以"立足市场,注重客户"的需求,"诚信为本,品质第一,客户至上''为宗旨。 我们从产品的生产到销售,都严格要求自己,紧跟海内外体育用品业的发展趋势,产品不断推阵出新。
Establish in July, 1996,Jiangsanduojiao sport goods Co.Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of top grade, middle grade, low grade badminton, And its name is Jiangsanyan Stationary and Sport goods factory before.There are over 100 people in the factory, and there are also other registered brand such as “jiangsanyan”, “jiangsanfeng”,”jiangshanlong”, “jiangsanhu”, “jiangsanying”,“Laisika".The annual turnover is over RMB ten million, the products are welcomed at home and abroad, Our products are exported to America, France, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries and regions over world .And by the primary commodity market, we sell our products to every corner of our nation, and welcomed so much in the domestic market too.Till now, through our hard working .
We are more and more stronger than before.And always we will serve our customer by our full-range style, the most fashionable style, the most excellent products and most economy products.We base ourselves upon market, attaching much importance to the demand of our customer.And upholding the tenet of “ Credit First, Quality First, Customer First” always.From the manufacture to the sale, always we have the strict quality control system,And catch up with the International trend,Innovation will be the aim we are always in pursuit for.
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