义乌宾格饰品是一家集设计.开发.生产,销售及加工定制的源头生产厂家。 专业生产:耳环,项链 手镯,手链,戒指 头扣等流行饰品成品及饰品配件。款式新,质量优,工厂有17年丰厚的生产加工经验,新颖的款式出口日韩,欧美,南美,非州,中东各国。深受客户一致好评!本厂秉承一分利的经营理念,常年承接客户来样来图定做。 工厂有专业冲床机30多台,无论多少都可以订做!! 主要材质有:铁,铜 铝 不锈钢 合金等 ! 电镀颜色可做:白K,金色,KC金,银色,枪黑 玫瑰金及各种古色电镀!! 所有产品均无铅 无镍 无铬 达到欧美标准!! 宾格饰品厂址:义乌义亭镇 公司拥有自己的开发设计团队,产品质量可靠《每个产品实行全检》交货及时,信誉可靠! 欢迎各全球连锁代理公司前来工厂验厂!我们将提供更优质的 服务!! Bingge factory-Least beauty best baby!! Yiwu Bingge jewelry is a collection of design. Develop, produce, sell and process custom source manufacturers。 Professional production: earrings, necklaces bracelets, bracelets, ring head buckle and other popular accessories finished products and accessories. New style, excellent quality, the factory has 17 years of rich experience in production and processing, the novel style exported to Japan and Korea, Europe and the United States, South America, Africa, the Middle East countries. By the customer consistent praise! Our factory adhering to the profit of a business philosophy, perennial to undertake customers to sample to map custom. Factory has more than 30 professional punch machine, no matter how many can be customized!! Main material: iron, copper and aluminum stainless steel alloy! Electroplating color: white K, gold, KC gold, silver, gun black rose gold and all kinds of ancient color electroplating!! All products are lead - free nickel - free chromium - free up to European and American standards!! Binge jewelry factory address: Yiwu Yiting Town The company has its own development and design team, product quality is reliable "every product implementation full inspection" timely delivery, credibility reliable! Welcome to the global chain agents to factory inspection! We will provide better service! Bingge factory - further beauty best baby!!!!!
更新时间:2024-03-30 10:00