公司专业设计生产纯手绘精品油画,大型酒店金箔漆画,,,公司2007年成立至今,一直秉承“品质稳定,服务优先,不断创新”的理念,画师均有15年以上的扎实功底,并有享誉国际的知名画家曹勇老师做艺术顾问,产品出口欧美,东南亚,南非等多个国家,广泛应用于,家装,酒店,别墅,休闲场所,及展馆等地方,产品可随图订做,风格多样,欢迎广大客户光临!公司展厅:浙江省义乌国际商贸城三区五楼H5-29172商位 销售热线:0579-85550851、13566975299(微信同号)、QQ:454962304This company specialized design production of pure hand-painted fine oil paintings, large hotel gold lacquer painting,,, the company was founded in 2007, has been adhering to the "quality first, service first, continuous innovation" concept, painters have more than 15 years of solid strength, and has the international reputation of the famous painter cao teacher do artistic adviser, products are exported to Europe and the United States, southeast Asia, South Africa and other countries. Widely used in, home decoration, hotels, villas, leisure places, and exhibition hall and other places, products can be customized with the map, style variety, welcome customers to visit! Sales hotline: 0579-85550851, 13566975299 (same wechat number), QQ:454962304