义乌市莎莉织造有限公司 13年
徐晓莉 联系客服 | |
13605828177 | |
13605828177 | |
义乌国际商贸城四区81门2楼10街35392A | |
浙江省 金华市 金东区 浙江省 金华市曹宅科技孵化园21号 |
我厂是一家专业织造尼龙桑拿布及桑拿巾系列,去角质弹性沐浴用品系列,尼龙毛圈布(菠萝布)及手套系列,汽车风口置物袋等的生产企业。公司创建几年来,以优质的产品,过硬的质量,信誉第一为宗旨,不断完善企业经营管理机制和质量管理体系,已形成开发,生产,销售一条龙,产品不断走向完美。现产品主要销往墨西哥,,俄罗斯,美国,日本,韩国,泰国,台湾,中东等几十个国家和地区.公司地址位于:金华市金东工业区距金义都市新区8公里,交通十分便利.欢迎各有诚之士前来恰谈,合作。Our factory is a professional manufacturer weaving nylon sauna cloth and sauna towel series, exfoliating elastic bath products series, nylon ring cloth (pineapple cloth) and gloves series, automobile tuyere bags and so on. The company has been established for several years, with high quality products, excellent quality, reputation first as the purpose, and constantly improve the enterprise management mechanism and quality management system, has formed the development, production and sales of one-stop, products continue to perfect. Our products are mainly exported to Mexico, Russia, The United States, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, the Middle East and other dozens of countries and regions
更新时间:2024-12-12 09:36
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