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0510-86381626 18018330200 | |
江苏省 无锡 江阴市 江阴市祝塘镇云顾路8-1号 |
半音阶Rainbow WH1040 以独特的音色横空出世,正如斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有,让人一见倾心,爱不释手。瑰丽的红色轰轰烈烈,犹如飞蛾扑火的爱情,惊心动魄。高贵的蓝色,泛着金属清冷的光泽,孤独中带着期许,总有一段感情,始终埋藏于心。
Chromatic Rainbow WH1040 was born with a unique timbre, just like “Every once in a while, you find someone whos iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.” , let people fall in love. Magnificent red vigorous, like a moth to the flame of love, thrilling and amazing . Noble blue, with a cool metallic luster, with expectations in loneliness, there is always a feeling that buried in the heart.
更新时间:2024-03-15 13:02
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