加工定制:是 | 品牌:天威 | 型号:TW-DB20 |
打印速度:15000 | 打印范围:150 | 打印深度:2 |
类型:激光打码机 | 打印方向:双向打印 | 适用工件:皆可 |
包装类型:箱 | 重量:150 | 自动化程度:全自动 |
适用行业:医药|化工|烟酒|礼品、工艺品|服装|家纺|日化|餐饮|食品|玩具|五金、机械 | 售后服务:激光器24个月保修 | |
功能:打码、喷码 |
1 激光功率输出稳定、光束质量非常好,标 刻速度快,是传统机型的2-5倍。耗电量为传 统机型的5%-10%(整机耗电功率约 (400W)
2 操作方便,光路全封闭,稳定可靠、免维护。 超长寿命,达100000小时以上。
3 机型小巧,采用风冷方式冷却,可制作成 便携式打标机。也可用于配合生产流水线及自 动化生产线的设备。、
4 软件采用WINDOWS界面,可兼容AUTOCAD CORELDRAW,PHOTOSHOP, Adobe illustratov 等多种软件的输出文件,软件功能强大。
5 超高精细度,分辨率达到2540dpi,可在金属、 塑料等表面标刻出精美的图片
6 克服了高反材料损伤激光器的弱点,对所有 金属都能标刻.
1 aser power output stability,beam quality is very good,the mkarking speed is 2-5times than that of comvertional modes the power consumption is5%-10%of the traditional models(whole consumption power is about 400w)
2 easy operation,gthe optical path is completely closed,stable and reliable,maintenance-free.long lifetime,up to more than100,000hours
3 compact models and cooled by air cooling way,it can also be made into a portable. can also be used in conjunction with the production lines and automated production line epuipment
4 it adopts windows interface which is compatible with various output software like AUTOCAD, CORELDRAW, PHOTOSHOP, Adobe Liiustratov and thus enjouing mighty software function
5 Ultra-high finesse,resolution can reach2540dpi,thismachine can be applied to marking bitmap and engraving delicate pictureson the surface of metal andplastic materials.
6 it has overcome the weakness of the high anti-material damagelaser engraved.everything can be marked on all metals
更新时间:2024-11-08 14:42
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